Family Connects Chicago is an in-home nurse service available to Chicago families with newborns. The service is simple: A registered nurse visits your home around 3 weeks after birth to check on mom, baby and the whole family. There is no additional cost to you, and anyone with a newborn can participate, including foster and adoptive parents.
Everyone deserves extra attention and encouragement when a newborn arrives. Family Connects Chicago nurses provide a comprehensive spectrum of in-home support, guidance and connections to resources—at no additional cost to you—including:
Help for baby
- Baby weight check
- Safe sleep information
- Infant feeding and fussiness
- Help with bathing, diapering and swaddling
Help for mom
- Mom’s health check
- Breastfeeding support
- Family planning advice
- Postpartum depression screening
Help for family
- Scheduling doctor’s appointments
- Understanding child care options
- Early literacy information
- Community connections
What to expect
- 3 weeks in: Expect a visit around 3 weeks after birth
- No cost: As a parent(s) of a newborn, there is no additional cost to you
- Registered nurses: All nurses are highly skilled professionals
- For all: Helping all Chicago families with a newborn who delivered at a partner hospital
The service is brought to you by the Chicago Department of Public Health, in partnership with Humboldt Park Health, Rush University Medical Center, Mount Sinai Hospital and University of Chicago Medicine.
Family Connects Chicago is funded through a partnership with the Illinois Department of Public Health’s Maternal and Child Health Services Title V Block Grant program as well as other public and private funding from the City of Chicago, Rush University Medical Center, the Illinois Department of Human Services and private philanthropy.